ACV facts & figures
We have made significant changes to My ACV to give our dealer-partners easy access to their auction information.
A redesigned navigation accommodates our ever-increasing list of capabilities.
The all-new Data Export feature allows dealers to download Won, Sold, and Saved auction details.
The addition of Title Status and FedEx tracking numbers to the auction details page, and included in the report generated by the Data Export feature.
Your Redesigned Navigation

Active: We separated your active auctions by vehicles you are Buying and Selling to make them easier to monitor.
Buying - auctions you are actively bidding on
Selling - vehicles you have running in a live auction
In Negotiation: Is any auction you have made an offer on that is in the process of being negotiated.
Pending Proxy: Are the auctions where you have placed a one-time or persistent proxy bid. It comes in handy when you’re bidding on vehicles on Run List. It’s an effortless way to find and follow the Run List vehicles you set proxy bids on, when they launch at 4 pm EST.
Won: A chronological list of the vehicles you have won.
Sold: A chronological list of the vehicles you have sold.
Saved: (Selling dealerships) This is your list of vehicles being inspected, ones that are ready to launch, and relaunch.
Data Export

Download detailed information from Won, Sold, or Saved auctions. The files include VIN, year/make/model, selling dealership, buying dealership, odometer, inspection date, and more.
- Sign in to ACV on a desktop or laptop computer
- Click on My ACV
- From Won, Sold or Saved auctions click Export Data in the top right corner; fill in the form with the date range, dealership, and report type
- Click Confirm to download the report
Title Status
Check the title status of an individual vehicle or multiple vehicles at the same time.
Navigate to your Won auctions. The title status is displayed on the details page of each vehicle, as is the FedEx tracking number.
Download the title status and FedEx tracking numbers of multiple Won, Sold or Saved auctions using the Export Data feature.
Thank you for the invaluable feedback provided by our dealer-partners. That helped shape our new features and functionality. We work continuously to give you the very best wholesale marketplace, so keep a lookout for additional updates coming soon.