An Update from ACV

March 14, 2020




An Update from ACV

ACV facts & figures

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Dear Partners,

The safety and health of our teammates, dealers and consumers is our top priority. COVID-19 is affecting our communities, industry and personal lives in so many ways. This is an unprecedented time, but my team is ready to handle the challenge in a calm and responsible way. We want to inform you on the number of steps we are taking to protect our team, dealers and commercial partners:

Resilience in our Operations
At this time, reducing the number of people in one place is important for the safety of all. Thankfully, we have resilience built into our operations. Beginning last week, many of our teammates within operations and engineering worked remotely from home. We were able to make this shift quickly, because we operate on a technology platform that enables us to collaborate and communicate, without being in the office. We will continue to pressure and test our resilience, to ensure we are here to support our dealer and commercial partners.

Sanitization and Best Practices
We have been encouraging all field staff and employees to be vigilant about frequent hand washing and sanitizing. We are instructing our field teammates to utilize disposable gloves where possible. We have asked our teammates to embrace modern gestures (recommended by CDC) instead of shaking hands. We have instructed any teammate who is not feeling well to stay home and consult their healthcare providers. We have increased cleaning routines throughout ACV’s offices. Helpful information on what else everyone can do to protect yourself can be found on the CDC website.

At ACV, we are fully committed to keeping our communities healthy, while also mindful of the importance of helping our dealer partners with continuity of your business operation. Automotive dealerships are one of the largest employers and vital to the household income for millions of Americans. We know how important our service is, and we are prepared and have the resources to appropriately serve you. At this time, there will be no changes to our schedule of operations. Please let us know how we can help.

We appreciate your partnership and thank you for being an ACV customer. It is our privilege to serve you. If you have any questions, please contact any one of us.

Best of health to you and your families.


George Chamoun
CEO, ACV Auctions